There are many State and Federally listed special status species that require special protection and mitigation measures. These species are listed as Threatened, Endangered or Candidate by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). Though our network of associated biologists, we have the necessary permits to provide protocol surveys for several protected wildlife species. These surveys would determine the presence or absence of a species in a project area. We assess habitat values, quantify population abundance and distribution, prepare impact mitigation, and secure required permits. We consult with the regulatory agencies throughout the process to insure all laws and regulations are met.
Protocol Surveys for the following
Species of Special Concern
- Quino Checkerspot Butterfly ESA Endangered
- Arroyo Toad (presence/absence) ESA Endangered
- Red-legged Frog (presence/absence) ESA Threatened
- Mountain Yellow-legged Frog ESA Endangered, CESA Candidate Endangered
- Desert Tortoise ESA & CESA Threatened
- Rubber Boa CESA Threatened
- Bald Eagle CESA Endangered
- Light-footed Clapper Rail ESA & CESA Endangered
- Yuma Clapper Rail ESA Endangered, CESA Threatened
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo ESA Candidate, CESA Endangered
- Northern Spotted Owl ESA Threatened
- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher ESA & CESA Endangered
- Least Bell’s Vireo ESA & CESA Endangered
- California Gnatcatcher ESA Threatened
- San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat ESA Endangered
- Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat ESA Endangered & CESA Threatened
- Peninsular Bighorn Sheep (presence/absence) ESA Endangered & CESA Threatened
In addition to the Threatened and Endangered species listed above. We conduct surveys for the following sensitive wildlife species.
- Western spadefoot toad
- Western pond turtle
- Golden Eagle
- Peregrine Falcon
- California Spotted Owl
- Burrowing Owl
- San Bernardino Flying Squirrel