Position Title
Wildlife Biologist/Co-owner
Novaterra Biological Consulting
8/2011 to Present

Peninsular bighorn sheep (PBS) biological monitor for a powerline construction project. Ensured protected of PBS from harm or harassment related to project activities while preventing unnecessary delays in construction. Conducted daily pre-construction clearance surveys, extended daily surveys, and late afternoon surveys of work areas. Documented PBS movements within and near the project right-of-way on a daily basis as part of a habitat use and movement study. Issued daily reports and notices of non-compliance for violations.

Conducted California spotted owl (CASPO) protocol presence/absence and walk-in surveys for several territories on the San Bernardino mountain range. Aided in CASPO banding for demography study.

Position Title
Biologist (On-call)
Sapphos Environmental, Inc.
2/2013 to Present

Field lead for protocol burrowing owl and desert tortoise surveys. Conducted raptor migration surveys, bird use counts and windmill carcass surveys. Data entry for all species data collected.

Position Title
Biologist (On-call)
AMEC Environment & Infrastructure
5/2012 to Present

Wrote Biological Evaluation and Biological Assessments for projects in Federal lands. Biological monitor during construction of several renewable energy projects in Southern California. Conducted general pre-construction nesting bird surveys. Data entry for biological field information collected. Conducted pre and post surveys and wrote associated biological reports for Southern California Edison Deteriorated Pole projects. Field lead for wildlife corridor study on Highway138 identifying mammal tracks in track stations, documenting roadkill along road and maintaining functioning camera stations.

Position Title
Wildlife Biologist
USFS, San Bernardino National Forest, Supervisor’s Office
1/2007 to 01/2013

Involved in management activities with the following Federally Threatened, Federally Endangered, Forest Service Sensitive, and other special status species:
Quino checkerspot butterfly (QCB) – Conducted yearly protocol presence/absence surveys and habitat suitability surveys on the San Jacinto Ranger District (SJRD). Wrote a programmatic QCB Biological Assessment for ongoing activities on the SJRD.
Mountain yellow-legged frog (MYLF) – Monitored known frog populations on the Forest. Inspected installation of a fish barrier on the Angeles National Forest. Participated in MYLF Conservation Interagency Team meetings between USFWS, USFS, US Geological Survey (USGS), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), San Diego Zoo, and Fresno Zoo. Helped develop and implement non-native species removal in occupied habitat of the North Fork San Jacinto River.
Arroyo toad – Conducted yearly presence/absence surveys in Deep Creek, Mountaintop Ranger District.
Spadefoot toad – Conducted presence/absence surveys in the Front Country Ranger District.
Southwestern willow flycatcher – Surveyed for suitable habitat and conducted general surveys in the Forest.
Least Bell’s vireo – Conducted general surveys in the Front Country Ranger District.
Bald eagle – Participated in yearly winter surveys in Lake Arrowhead and Lake Hemet.
California spotted owl (CASPO)– Conducted protocol surveys in several territories throughout the Forest.
Santa Ana speckled dace – Conducted surveys, fish rescues and translocations using electroshocker. Compiled all known observation information from natural history museums and local biologists to map their distribution in all of Southern California as part of the Santa Ana Speckled Dace Strategy. Coordinated a 5-year reintroduction effort in Cajon Creek in collaboration with CDFG, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) and BNSF Railroad.
Arroyo chub – Conducted arroyo chub surveys. Compiled observation information from natural history museums and local biologists to map their distribution in all of Southern California as part of the Arroyo Chub Assessment.
Santa Ana sucker – Participated in Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Team meetings.
Bighorn sheep – Participated in a bighorn sheep capture of the Cushenburry population with CDFG. Helped collect general data and attach GPS collars for population monitoring. Participated in yearly bighorn sheep surveys with CDFG to estimate population numbers on the San Gabriel mountain range.
Birds – Conducted general and breeding bird surveys (aural/visual) on the Forest for fuels reduction projects, windmill test sites, and bird study sites.
Small mammals – Conducted flying squirrel trapping to determine presence/absence in the San Jacinto Mountains.
Fisheries – Conducted general fish surveys and fish barrier surveys on the Forest. Mapped occurrences of all fish species throughout the Forest.
Spring snails – Conducted presence/absence surveys in several small drainages. Conducted a soil moisture monitoring study to determine effects caused by the Arrowhead Tunnels Project.

Interdisciplinary team member, representing wildlife, for fire suppression, special use permits, engineering, recreation, habitat restoration and fuel reduction projects. Project responsibilities included preparing technical documents such as Biological Evaluations (BE), Biological Assessments (BA), and memorandums as well as compiling information to support project files. Project complexity varied from simple SCE pole replacement projects to forest-wide, large scale engineering projects. I worked on several biological projects in the Forest including a forest-wide mapping effort to digitally map all of the guzzlers on Forest Service land. I retrofitted many cattle drinkers with escape ramps for bats and other wildlife. I assessed damage to guzzlers after wildfires, recommended treatments and worked with cooperators to get guzzlers in working order. I worked with contractors to place wildlife crossings and close illegal OHV access throughout project areas. Assessed aquatic wildlife habitat for all watersheds on the SBNF as part of the Watershed Condition Assessment. I was also the project monitor for several projects. Conducted monitoring of activities throughout project areas to ensure mitigation procedures were followed. Set up meetings with parties to rectify any mitigations which were not followed. As part of the biology team, I helped develop projects through the workplan/program of work process which included estimating the cost and time needed for each project. I helped report project accomplishments in the WFRP reporting system.

I was Forest Steward for the Forest Service NRIS Wildlife database. I was the final approver and quality control specialist for all data collected and entered by the SBNF into the national database. I entered a backlog of SBNF wildlife observation data into the database and kept our database current. I also worked with Regional Office to enter a backlog of great gray owl data for several forests in California.

As well as being the Wildlife Biologist, I was Assistant Project Manager for the MWD Arrowhead Tunnels Project. I attended tactical meetings with geological engineers and hydrologists during construction phase of the project. Monitored MWD mitigation as needed when impacts occurred due to project activities. Conducted general species surveys in affected canyons. Participated in discussions during the bi-monthly surface resource meetings. Kept track of costs associate to the project and gave quarterly reports to the project manager. Helped gather information for IAS requisitions for contractors. In charge of setting up and running weekly conference calls and internal meetings.

In addition to wildlife biology, I supported other work activities outside my discipline. I assisted Forest Hydrologist by taking water quality samples for BMP monitoring. I aided botanists by mapping and removing non-native riparian weeds and conducting sensitive plant surveys. I helped the Forest Health Protection (FHP) Entomologist with walnut twig beetle traps, setting up plots, tree health assessments and taking samples on insecticide treated oaks on the Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernardino and Cleveland National Forests (Southern Province Forests). I worked with public information officers by translating several official documents into Spanish. Member of Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER) and Resource Adviser (READ) teams during emergency fire incidents in forests throughout National Forests in California, Arizona and Colorado.

I worked with a variety of agencies and organizations. Served as Forest Service liaison for the Fishers Resource Volunteer Corps. Supported their work activities by applying for grants to purchase supplies, coordinated projects, and recognized their accomplishments. Supervised a summer intern from California State University – San Bernardino. Provided education for school children in the surrounding area through classroom presentations and coordinated planned outdoor activities with volunteer groups. Organized the yearly Jenks Lake Fish Festival, an event for under privileged urban children. Collaborated and maintained professional relationships with employees of State and Federal agencies for projects and/or issues related to the Forest.

Position Title
Wildlife Technician (Detail)
USFS, San Bernardino NF, San Jacinto Ranger District
7/2006 to 9/2006

Conducted CASPO and MYLF surveys. Biological monitor for fuels reduction projects. Mapped and marked trees and downed logs important for wildlife in fuels treatment areas. Created a public information poster and brochure on the importance of protecting MYLF. Contacted the public in campgrounds and picnic areas near occupied habitat and educated them about the importance of protecting the species. Enforced a creek closure for MYLF by maintaining informational signs and reporting violations.

Position Title
Wildlife SCEP
USFS, Six Rivers National Forest, Mad River Ranger District
5/2003 to 7/2006

Conducted surveys for several wildlife species including Northern Spotted Owl, Northern Goshawk, Peregrine Falcon, passerines and small mammals. Surveys techniques included the use of point counts, acoustic call-back, triangulation, stand searches and live trapping. Proficient in the use of topographic maps, aerial photos, compass, clinometers, binoculars, spotting scope, Trailmaster cameras with infra-red sensors, Sherman live-traps, turkey guzzlers and 4X4 vehicles.

Assisted with preparation of technical documents such as Biological Assessments (BA), Biological Evaluations (BE), and NEPA documents, as well as compiling information to support project files. Projects included OHV recreation, timber harvest, habitat restoration, grazing, prescribed fire and sensitive species conservation. Environmental education in a variety of locations such as local festivals and Native American Reservations.

Position Title
Bird Bander (Volunteer)
USFS, Pacific Northwest Research Station
5/2004 to 7/2006

Set up mist nets, captured and processed birds. Fitted passerines with appropriate bands and gathered all information needed under the Monitoring Avian Productivity Survivorship (MAPS) program. Worked an average of 8 hours a week.


Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology
Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
Advanced Courses: Principles of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Techniques, Plant Ecology, Ecology of Wildlife Populations, Genetics, Principles of Wildlife Diseases, Plant Taxonomy, Ornithology, Mammalogy, Herpetology, Wildlife Policy & Animal Welfare, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Management (Mammals), Ecology and Management of Upland Habitats, Marine Biology, Ichthyology.
General Science Courses: Principles of Biology, General Botany, General Zoology, General Chemistry, Introductory Biometrics, Introduction to Wildlife Conservation & Administration, Brief Organic Chemistry, Calculus for the Biological Sciences & Natural Resources.



Desert Tortoise Surveying, Monitoring and Handling Techniques Workshop 11/2012
Stream Condition Inventory Training 6/2012
San Dimas Aquatic Organism Passage Inventory Protocol Training 5/2012
Wildlife Society – Western Section Meeting 9/2011
Region 5 Biological Assessment and Biological Evaluation Workshop 3/2010
Wildlife Society Meeting 9/2009
Aquatic Ecosystems Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop 6/2008
Willow Flycatcher workshop and training 5/2008
FHP Insect & Disease Recognition and Management 4/2008
Cooper Ornithological Meetings 7/2005
Spotted Owl/Barred Owl workshop 7/2005
Oiled Wildlife Care Network Basic Supervisor 9/2003

Technical Workshops

NRIS Aquatics 1/2010
NRIS Wildlife 11/2009
Grants and Agreements 4/2011
ESRI Learning ArcGIS 9 8/2006
Grant Writing Online Course 7/2004


NEPA – Issues & Alternatives, Effects in Environmental Assessments 3/2009
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Training 1900-1 1/2007


10(a)(1)(A) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery permit (TE-221295-1): Quino checkerspot butterfly.